Our Missions
Slovakia: Roman Halamicek, Bratislava, Slovakia
Roman Halamicek first came to the congregation in Bratislava, Slovakia when his aunt from Zurich, Switzerland came to visit and invited Roman to attend worship with her. Roman was already a believer and began studying with one of the missionaries, Mark Blackwelder. Soon he was baptized and looked for a way to receive a deeper knowledge of God’s Word. Bob Stump suggested that he consider taking the Sunset International Bible Institute courses on video. This required that Roman learn English, since only three of the courses were dubbed into Slovak. But Roman persevered and not only learned English, but completed all of his SIBI courses and attended graduation in Lubbock, Texas in May, 2007.
Roman has been working full-time with the church in Bratislava since that time, and is especially gifted as a speaker and evangelist. He works with leaders from congregations in Slovakia, Czech Republic, as well as other countries in Europe.
Children's Home: Mountain States Children's Home, Longmont, Colorado
This has been an operating children’s home since 1960 with Nick Mears as the current director. They primarily take in teens from troubled homes and help them physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Mexico: Ray Dennis, Cuernavaca, Mexico
Ray Dennis, a local area Christian, has been proclaiming the gospel to the Cuernavaca area of Mexico with the help of his wife Maricela.
Guyana: Mark Jamieson, Guyana, South America
The Guyana mission effort came to Puyallup with the arrival of Mark Jamieson at the beginning of 2016. He had been actively teaching and preaching in the Rupunnuni Savannah region since 2008. He is an instructor at Guyana Christian University, which provide free Bible education to the Amerindian people of Guyana and Brazil.
In 2011, a medical clinic was establish in support of the school and evangelistic efforts. Since such time, multiple medical teams have participated in sharing physical and spiritual help in the remote villages of Guyana. The Puyallup church has sent 5 members so far in support of this work, including one of our elders, Chris Bartlett.
Philippines: Mario Moral, Philippines
Mario Moral is a native preacher proclaiming the gospel in the Philippines.
Baja: Baja California, Mexico
Baja California is a Mexican state on the Baja California Peninsula. Baja is a mission field where Puyallup sends members to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the community.
Delano Bay Christian Camp
Delano Bay Christian Camp is a ministry of the area churches of Christ that exists “to encounter the good news about Jesus the Christ to further his Kingdom”. To that end, they provide space for summer camps, rentals, church events and retreats as well as for personal or family gatherings and use. It is overseen by the Lakeview church of Christ elders and functions with a volunteer board.