The Puyallup congregation has been in continuous existence since 1928. At that time three families moved from Tacoma to Puyallup and began to meet in a rented building for services. Many gospel meetings were held throughout the 1930’s and the church grew to a point where the attendance averaged about 75 in 1934. By 1938 the congregation was able to purchase its own building at 311 4th St. SE in Puyallup. This building is still standing today. The congregation continued to grow and most of the surrounding congregations of the church have their beginnings from former members at Puyallup. In 1969, the congregation sold the building on 4th St. and purchased the current building.
A more complete history (80 pages) is available in the church office for those interested in learning more details.
Our Purpose
The Puyallup church of Christ seeks to share the love of Jesus so that everyone will know Him.
Our Vision
The Puyallup church of Christ seeks to be your center for Christian growth, community and compassion.
Our Mission
The Puyallup church of Christ seeks to train and equip Christians to intentionally care, connect, and commit to Jesus and others.
Our Purpose
The Puyallup church of Christ seeks to share the love of Jesus so that everyone will know Him.
Our Vision
The Puyallup church of Christ seeks to be your center for Christian growth, community and compassion.
Our Mission
The Puyallup church of Christ seeks to train and equip Christians to intentionally care, connect, and commit to Jesus and others.